Vít Prokůpek

profesionální vyjednavač a odborník na psychologii ovlivňování
,,Spolu s mým týmem pomáháme lidem
a organizacím rozvíjet se a růst."
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Semináře a školení

Termíny veřejných seminářů, tréninků, školení a workshopů Víta Prokůpka

Psychology of Persuasive Presentations: the End of PowerPoint as we know it

  • Stav:   Termín se již uskutečnil.
  • Rozsah:  2 dny (9:00 – 17:00)
  • Cena:  25.900,- Kč za osobu (31.339,- vč. DPH)
  • Lektor:  

    Vít Prokůpek, expert on psychology of influence, sought-after  speaker and trainer

V současné době není vyhlášen žádný termín. Pokud chcete seminář uskutečnit jako firemní řešení na míru, kontaktujte Víta Prokůpka emailem.

Why should you attend?

  • You’ll learn to deliver a presentation that helps you fulfil your goals and arouses your audience’s feelings.
  • You’ll stand out of the crowd and become a persuasive public speaker.
  • You’ll learn the tricks of the world’s best speakers and be able to use them as well.
  • You’ll master techniques for beating stress so you start to enjoy presenting.


Important information for you:

The CEOs of the most successful companies have begun at last to understand it: Jeff Bezos (Amazon), Mark Zuckerberk (Facebook), Marissa Mayer (Yahoo), Steve Ballmer (Microsoft), Alan Mullaly (Ford)… Steve Jobs grasped the idea even earlier.

But not many entrepreneurs and managers in Central Europe have mastered presentation skills.

So what about you? What are your presentations like? How impressive are they for your audience? How persuasive?


This training will teach you to tell breath-taking stories with use of appropriate words, body language and pictures. After attending this seminar, public speaking will become your ultimate competitive advantage!




  • Presentations and the psychology of perception – what works with the audience and what doesn’t, the most up-to-date findings of neuroscience about presenting. 
  • Latest trends in preparing and delivering presentations. What’s just in and what really works.
  • Powerful tricks for MS PowerPoint that will increase the impact of your presentations.
  • The role of PowerPoint and presentation design. Alternatives to PowerPoint.
  • How to structure your presentation and what speakers usually don’t know.
  • Key questions that most presenters fail to ask when preparing a presentation.
  • Inspiration: learn from the best in the world! Video examples of the best public speakers with analysis and recommendations.
  • Using non-verbal communication when presenting, mastering your gestures.
  • Dealing with difficult audiences.
  • The most common presentation mistakes and how to avoid them.
  • Practical training with feedback, rhetorical exercises.



Level of English:

Recommended level of English: upper-intermediate or higher. 


V současné době není vyhlášen žádný termín. Pokud chcete seminář uskutečnit jako firemní řešení na míru, kontaktujte Víta Prokůpka emailem.


Obecné informace a firemní řešení:  info@vp-tcc.cz

Informace o veřejných seminářích a přihlášky:  seminare@vp-tcc.cz

Ing. Vít Prokůpek

IČ: 763 02 440
DIČ: CZ8104043310